ahrain is one of the rarest countries whose
National Anthem has only music but no words
Fox theatre,Detroit, (USA) is the largest
cinema in the world.
Saudi Arabia does not have any Cinema
Sears Tower,Chicago is the world's tallest
office building
Persepolis was the capital of ancient
Persian Empire
Paraguay got its independence from Spain in
Arthur Wynney invented the cross word puzzle
WHO is also known as World Health
Geneva is the headquarter of WHO
FAO refers to Food and Agriculture
FAO is located at Rome and London
Montreal in Canada houses International
Civil Aviation Organisation
The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela
(Latin America)
Thirteen is often regarded as unlucky number
but in Italy it is considered as the lucky number
Alurophobia refers to fear of cats and one
of the most famous historical personalities suffering from this phobia was
Italians(14 Oct.1911) were the first country
to use aeroplanes in war. Since then, it has acquired the status of most
useful and deadly weapon.
Abraham Lincoln is credited to abolish the
curse of slavery in America
Manchester is also known as textile capital
of the world.
USA has more than 10,000 golf courses.
Louvre museum,Paris is the proud museum
where historical painting `Mona Lisa' is displayed
Tomato was also known as Love apple
King Khalid Int.Airport, Saudi Arabia is the
largest airport in the world.
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was bestowed with
the title of Desert Fox.
Bascilica of St.Peter,Vatican City,Rome is
the largest church in the world