I want to share with you one simple technique for drawing and painting your own copy of a dragon symbol (or whatever you chose).
This one was a gift to my friend who is a Chinese Restaurant owner.
The original small print is in one of my books about dragons.
liked the picture instantly but to create an original dragon drawing
from that print is just too much work. Especially the round border. The
character of the dragon is very easy. I was not willing to do it, so…
…I enlarged the original print on a copy machine and printed out the enlarged version.
As you can see it is only black and white.
only small image available
I decided to make the new dragon drawing (painting) on a thick red art paper.
Size: A2.
of the best techniques to transfer the original contours to the thick
paper is to tape the dragon print on your windowpane. Possibly on that
side of a house from where the most of the sunshine comes in.
Then I taped the red paper over the print.
Strong sunlight (or daylight) was sufficient enough to see clearly the original print contours through the thick red art paper.
I could easily copy them over the red paper using yellow color pencil.
These yellow contours are now the perfect basic sketch for the dragon drawing or painting.
I was ready with this contour sketching in less than an hour…and I was working pretty fast.
click the image to enlarge
Now comes the time consuming part.
In the dollar shop I bought one Gold Pearl Acrylic Color (size of 20 cc). That was too enough to complete the whole painting.
I painted the whole picture in two (layers) and some parts in three layers.
the first layer, dry it, and then second layer over the first so that
the golden color looks thick enough and shiny enough.
click the image to enlarge
This is a very simple technique commonly used among artists. Use it to make your own copy of virtually anything.